Empowering Online Teaching.png

<aside> 🤩 Bonus Bit At The End Of Page


This case study will take you through all the design processes, decisions, problems we faced on the way, and how we tried to solve those. This is one of the most complex apps that we’ve built so far. Many great ideas didn’t make through for the first push since we were playing on time. Let’s start🤩


The education industry has always been slow in adopting technology. In the last 6 years adaption of smart devices and cheap internet connections have created a more evolved place. During this pandemic coaching centers and small-scale tuition teachers suffered through a great deal of things. Even the students were unable to cope up because of this sudden change in teaching methodologies of teachers. Even because of this pandemic, the adaption of tech amongst teachers has also accelerated on a huge scale. This has opened a new space for technological innovation.

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All of this gave rise to Super teacher 😻

SuperTeacher platform is built for the teachers and their students. For many years technological adaptions for educators have been about using a few tools that were thought and built for other business users. SuperTeacher’s objective is to make products for the educators and their students from the ground up and solve the problems they are facing in teaching, management, and business so the teachers can focus only on teaching.


Problem Statement

How might we help teachers, sitting miles apart from the students to effectively manage and have engagement in all of their different batches? How might we, help teachers to ease their administrative tasks?

How might we help teachers to take their classrooms online and help maintain the same engagement as that of in a real-life classroom?

How might we help teachers increase their reach across the country, (as now things were starting to become remote)?

Our Approach